On the occasion of our 189th anniversary, in which we look at a past celebration, because we cannot invite you for cake.
You may have heard, we were founded on April 18, 1835. Typically, we’d invite you to celebrate with us and have some cake. But we are in the midst of our expansion project and the Mercantile space is closed.
So we thought we’d look at a past celebration.
According to the February 13, 1860 edition of the Cincinnati Daily Press, a committee of 115 people was appointed to “make arrangements for the proper celebration of its Quadri-Centennial Anniversary.”
The committee made recommendations for “a literary and festive entertainment, to be given at Pike’s Opera House Wednesday evening April 18, 1860.”
“After considerable discussion the report of the committee was adopted, with only two dissenting voices, both of whom objected to it because dancing had been suggested as a part of the festivities”
The following committees were appointed:
Tickets, “admitting a Lady and Gentleman, were $5 each; additional Ladies $2.”
The party was attended by approximately 700 people (about the same audience size for the current Niehoff gala). The program included dramatic readings, music, an anniversary address, poetry, a “grand march”, supper, and dancing.
On April 19, the Daily Press gave a thorough review of the evening. William Hooper delivered the Anniversary address, and it was “followed by the reading of a poem and dramatic readings selected from Henry IV, The Giaour, Pickwick Papers, together with Thomas Buchanan Read's beautiful poem entitled Drifting. Mr. Murdoch read these selections admirably, his clear, mellow voice filling the entire house, and falling like music upon the ear.”
"At the close of these exercises the supper- - room was thrown open. The tables, under the management of Messrs. Selves & Jonas, were admirably arranged, and presented a splendid appearance. While a portion of the company were at supper the remainder danced, and whirling to the delicious melody of Labitzsky's waltzes, or gliding through the -mystic mazes of "The Lancers," the night passed, to those who participated in its amusements, like a glowing dream.”
The Daily Press concluded:
“Altogether, the celebration was one of the most brilliant ever given in the city, and will - long be remembered as such by those who were fortunate enough to attend it."
Next year, there will be cake.
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