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The Black Experience Book Club was created to bring light to works created by Black Authors in America in an attempt to understand the Black Experience in America. What are the pitfalls, the high points, the commonalities, the differences in what it means to be Black in America throughout history and today. Books tell us so many things, stories, and experiences that they serve as the perfect vehicle to spark conversation. The book club holds space for people to be able to come and share their experiences and foster community and scholarship.

September's Read: I Done Clicked My Heels Three Times by Taylor Byas
Inspired by The Wiz, this debut, full-length poetry collection celebrates South Side Chicago and a Black woman’s quest for self-discovery—one that pulls her away from the safety of home and into her power.

Dr. Taylor Byas, Ph.D. is a Black Chicago native currently living in Cincinnati, Ohio, where she is an Assistant Features Editor for The Rumpus, an Acquisitions Poetry Editor for Variant Literature, and a member of the Beloit Poetry Journal Editorial Board. She is the 1st place winner of the 2020 Poetry Super Highway, the 2020 Frontier Poetry Award for New Poets Contest, and the 2021 Adrienne Rich Poetry Prize, and a finalist for the 2020 Frontier OPEN Prize. She is the author of the chapbook Bloodwarm from Variant Lit, a second chapbook, Shutter, from Madhouse Press, and her debut full-length, I Done Clicked My Heels Three Times. She is also a coeditor of The Southern Poetry Anthology, Vol X: Alabama, forthcoming from Texas Review Press, and Poemhood: Our Black Revival, a YA anthology forthcoming from HarperCollins.

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Black Experience Book Club
Black Experience Book Club


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