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Showroom City is the nickname of High Point, NC, which was once the furniture capital of the world. It remains the furniture showroom capital of the world… but in 2011 the city sold ALL of the showroom space to a venture capital company. This is a story of how a city moves on from manufacturing…. And the mistakes to avoid.

6 pm reception/6:30 pm program
Free to members/$25 nonmembers
Registration required

Dr. John Joe Schlichtman is an urban sociologist who is motivated by the potential of equitable, just, and productive community development. A primary goal in his scholarship is to tether our understanding of seemingly huge processes like globalization and gentrification to the street level. His research examines how stakeholders resist or exploit transformation, the decisions residents make in navigating it, its influence on the urban landscape, and the various paths leaders chart forward in its midst. This interplay relates to issues as diverse as community development, housing, economic change, public health, policing practices, and education policy.

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Albert Pyle Urban Lecture
Albert Pyle Urban Lecture


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